Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Engine Reassembly - Part 5

Finally had some time to finish off the timing side.

First minute in and I already ran into an issue. I was trying to tighten the cam bolts but without the specific tool to hold the cams in place, I couldn't get them to stay to accept the 37 lb-ft required.There's holes on the cams (and plates) that people usually stick drill bits or punches into, but they will widen the holes when trying to torque the bolts to spec. There are also cam holders but I did not want to wait for shipping from overseas.

So I improvised

The handle of a small screw driver was all that was needed. The plastic was soft enough to protect the teeth from getting damaged as it wasn't a crazy amount of torque.

Next up was the rear main seal

The original seal was far from OK

Compared to the new one

After removing the seal I was left with a less than desirable surface for the new seal

Some E85 and a rag later

And in it went

Whilst test fitting the idler pulley, I noticed these filthy bolts staring at me that must have somehow escaped the clean-everything-treatment

So off they came

E85 + rag did not do anything to these, so this came out

And this happened

Test fit #2 did not produce an eyesore

Timing belt gear was next on the list

And we're good

Timing belt gear + balance shaft delete spacer on

TDC @ Piston #1 marked on oil pump + cam gears

And we're finally done with the motor

On a side note, I was contemplating on purchasing a belt walk blocker but didn't want to spend $100 for a washer with a chamfer so I decided to put the balance shaft idler on (you're meant to remove this when deleting balance shafts as there is no belt anymore) and got a similar amount of clearance that the 'walk blocker' would produce

This way if it does decide to walk, it's not just going to shoot off. Happy days.

Coming up next: Gearbox assembly!