Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Engine Reassembly - Part 3

Next up was replacing the front main seal on the oil pump and installing the plugs for the balance shaft holes.

As seen in previous images, the oil pump has seen better days

As usual, my choice of cleaning agent was E85 and rags

Before and after of the rear cover

Cleaned the rear main seal/cover while I was at it

Everything cleaned up and ready to install

New seal vs old seal

I used the inner oil pump gear to seat the seal in as it had the same diameter as the seal

Balance shaft plugged

Wasn't a fan of the black cover for the balance shafts and wanted to keep everything uniform so gave it a silver treatment

Relief valve lubed up and inserted with spring

Gears lubed and inserted

Cover back on, threadlock applied to screws and we're all good

Cleaned up the mating surfaces for the pump & applied sealant before installing (not picture because you only have 5 minutes to work with the sealant or else you have to remove it and do it again)

Pump on

Sealant for water pump mating surface

Oil/Water pump on aswell as the manual tensioner (replaced the auto hydro one)