Pistons & rings removed
Ringlands were quite nice condering the KM's!
Removed & labelled the pistons and just gave everything a visual inspection prior to cleaning
My first attempt at cleaning the pistons did not go as planned. As usual, I dunked the dirty parts in E85 overnight
Resulted in not much of a difference
Then I tried Simple Green dilluted 50:50 for 10 minutes
Ended up doing so much in such a short time
I liked the simple green so much that I ended up cleaning the replacement block with it.
Installing the balance shaft delete kit that blocks off ports from the main cap girdle which sends oil to the balance shaft bearings
Cleaning the block/crank for new bearings/rings
Checking ring end gaps (new rings are NPR replacements in standard diameter)
Positioning pistons to clock rings (a sharpie through the middle makes this easy)
Piston compressor oiled and over the rings
Pistons in
Lower main bearings and piston bearings in
Lubed up with assembly lube
Crank in
Getting main caps/bridge ready to install
Rod caps
All in and torqued down